
For the services contracted, some advance paymentshould be made to hold the booking on confirmed basis & the full paymentmust reach us 90 days before the travel date in case of group bookings and 60days before in case of individual bookings. MAA TARA TRAVELS hold the right todecide on the amount to be paid as advance payment, based on the nature ofservice & the time left for the commencement of the service. Besides above,in certain cases like Train Journeys, hotels or resorts bookings during thepeak season (Christmas/ New Year) or during fairs/festivals, full payment maybe required in order to hold space on CONFIRMED BASIS. Please note that suchpayments are NON-REFUNDABLE.

Mode of Payment

Payment can be made through Wire Transfer toour bank or through Mail Authorization through credit cards or online throughour payment gateway using Master/Visa credit cards. In case of payment throughcredit card, a small amount of bank processing fee would be applicable on theamount being paid by credit cards.


Prices are per person based upon shared twin/Doubleroom occupancy. Prices do not include items of a personal nature such aslaundry, wines, water, beverages, passport and visa fees, insurance, andforeign port taxes unless specifically indicated in the package inclusions.Prices are correct at time of publication; however, as airfares continuallyfluctuate and classes of service may have limited capacity, tour package pricesand availability will change accordingly. In case of human or computer error, MAATARA TRAVELS reserves the right to re-invoice for the correct price or service.A full refund will be made to passengers who choose not to pay an increase,provided MAA TARA TRAVELS receives a written cancellation within five days ofthe price increase notification.
MAA TARA TRAVELS may offer reduced pricing/ offers on certain products orservices. Reduced pricing/Offers applies only to new bookings. Bookings wherepayment of at least a deposit has been received are not entitled to reducedpricing/offers.

EMI Option

Zero Down Payment
Zero Interest Rate on 3/6 month EMI's
Processing Fees (plus. GST charges) :-
Upto Rs 1,00,000 = Rs 2,999
Rs 1,00,001 to Rs 2,00,000 = Rs 3,999
Rs 2,00,001 to Rs 4,00,000 = Rs 5,999
Rs 4,00,000 & Above = Rs 9,999
The customer will be charged 1% flat interest per month on 9, 12, 18 & 24 months tenures
Attachment product (mandatory): Loan Protect Insurance (GSM) - All customers taking a travel loan will get inbuilt insurance cover for protection against future job loss or reasons making them incapacitated to work & service the loan. The premium in case of GSM will be included in the loan amount.

Special Events & Products

Deposit, Final Payment, and Cancellation penaltiesmay differ for special events, some customized groups including group tourairfares, tours with internal flights, and/or certain sea cruises as well asselected packages and hotels, and will be advised at time of booking on yourinvoice.

Travel Insurance

You are required to ensure that you are adequatelyinsured for the full duration of the tour in respect of illness, injury, death,loss of baggage and personal items, cancellation and curtailment. The choice ofinsurer is the sole discretion of the client.

Group Harmony

MAA TARA TRAVELS reserves the right to accept,reject or expel any individual who is deemed disruptive or incompatible withthe interests of the group, including, but not limited to, individuals who areintoxicated and/or under the influence of drugs leading to a negativeexperience for the remainder of the group. Expenses, including cancellationfees and/or costs for alternate travel plans or to return home, will necessarilybe borne by the passenger. All unused services are non-refundable.

Age Requirements

Anyone under the age of 18 is considered to be aminor. Minors must always be accompanied by an adult.
All bookings with a minor are subject to review and approval by the CultureHolidays. If the consent of a parent, guardian or any other person is requiredby applicable law for any minor to travel, the accompanying adult isresponsible for securing all consents, documentation and ensuring that they andthe minor(s) meet all legal requirements to travel, to enter into and departfrom applicable countries and regions. MAA TARA TRAVELS will not be responsiblefor any fees, damages, or losses incurred as a result of any failure to securenecessary consents, permits, and approvals.

Details required for booking

You must provide the information requested by MAATARA TRAVELS along with final payment. If you fail to supply informationrequired by MAA TARA TRAVELS for air tickets, tours, permits, or otherinclusions, you will also be liable for any costs, fees or losses includingfailure to obtain or provide that inclusion. In the event that you fail tosupply information required, MAA TARA TRAVELS also reserves the right to treatyour booking (or the relevant component of your booking) as cancelled and levyany cancellation fees deemed reasonable by the Culture Holidays, in its solediscretion. MAA TARA TRAVELS will not be held responsible for any fees youincur as a result of errors, omissions, inaccuracies, late, misplaced orotherwise incomplete information you have provided.


Tour prices do not include international or otherairfare unless expressly mentioned in the Tour’s descriptions. MAA TARA TRAVELSwill quote the best price available for the travel dates requested at the timethe quote is prepared. Quotes provide an estimate only and are not a firm pricecommitment by Culture holidays.
Please consult the air carrier’s applicable terms and conditions and conditionsof carriage for complete information including applicable cancellation terms. MAATARA TRAVELS is not responsible for changes in air itineraries or flight timesand does not provide advice or alerts regarding air travel tickets, flight statusor delays.

Hotel Arrival and DeparturePolicy

Check-In - 12:00 Hours.
Early arrival is subject to availability. For guaranteed early check-in,reservation needs to be made starting from the previous night.
Check - Out - 10:00 Hours.
Later check-outs are available on request and subject to availability /Payment.

Booking on Behalf of others

If you are a travel agent or group leader, you aredeemed to be the designated contact person for every participant included onthat booking. This means that you are responsible for making all payments duein connection with your Tour booking, notifying the Tour Operator or yourtravel agent if any changes or cancellations are required and keeping yourparty informed.
By booking on behalf of another person or persons, you represent and warrantthat you have obtained all required consents. You are responsible for verifyingthat any information you provide on behalf of another participant is completeand accurate and the Tour Operator will under no circumstances be liable forany errors or omissions in the information provided to complete a booking.

Passports and Visas

Travelers are responsible for ensuring that theyhave the proper travel documents and it is their responsibility to check allthe required documentation and identification required for entry, departure andtravel to each country or region.
They MUST CHECK with their respective consulate(s) or visa agency to determinewhether any visas or passports are required. Passports are required to be validfor at least 6 months beyond the dates of travel. We are not responsible forany cancellation of tour due to visa/passport. It is travellers responsibilityto check all the required documentation and identification required for entry,departure and travel to each country or region.
The travellers/Client accept full responsibility for obtaining all suchdocuments, visas and permits prior to the start of the Tour, and are solelyresponsible for the full amount of costs incurred as a result of missing ordefective documentation. The traveller/Client is responsible for the fullamount of any loss or expense incurred by the Tour Operator that is a directresult of their failure to secure or be in possession of proper traveldocumentation. The Tour Operator does not provide advice on travel documentsand makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completenessof any information provided on visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage,or special equipment and you agree that the Tour Operator is not responsiblefor any errors or omissions in this information.

Special Requirements

In order to fully enjoy our tour, please select atrip that is suitable to your physical capabilities or consult us beforebooking the tour. Tour participants requiring any form of assistance, includingtravellers with physical disabilities, sight, hearing or mobility impairments,are required to notify on email prior to reservation for review and ouragreement.

Our liabilities &limitations

All efforts will be made sincerely to maintain thecontract made by our organization with its customers but there are alwayspossibilities of certain Items like airfares, entrance fee at the monuments ordrastic increase in fuel costs etc. getting more expensive without any noticefrom the Govt. authorities. In such FORCE MAJEUR, the difference in the costwould be borne by the customers. Culture Holidays, New Delhi act only in thecapacity of agent for the hotels, airlines, transporters, railways &contractors providing other services & all exchange orders, receipts,contracts & tickets issued by us are issued subject to terms &conditions under which these services are provided by actual suppliers.
All itineraries are sample itineraries, intended to give you a general idea ofthe likely trip schedule. Numerous factors such as weather, road conditions,the physical ability of the participants etc. may dictate itinerary changeseither before the tour or even after the commencement of the tour. We reservethe right to change any schedule in the interest of the trip participantssafety, comfort & general well being.
Our rates are based on the prevailing rates as negotiated by us with thehotels, airlines etc. Hotels and Airlines retain the right to modify the rateswithout notice. In case of such changes the rates quoted before themodification, can be changed by us according to the modifications by hotels orairlines. All hotel bookings are based on usual check in and check out time ofthe hotels until unless indicated in the itinerary.
We shall not be responsible for any delays & alterations in the programmeor expenses incurred – directly or indirectly – due to natural hazards, flightcancellations, accident, breakdown of transport, weather, sickness, landslides,closures/blockades due to political unrest or any such incidents.
Without limitation, MAA TARA TRAVELS is not responsible for any injury, loss,or damage to person or property, death, delay or inconvenience in connectionwith the provision of any goods or services occasioned by or resulting from,but not limited to, acts of God, acts of government, force majeure, acts of waror civil unrest, insurrection or revolt, strikes or other labour activities,criminal or terrorist activities of any kind, or the threat thereof,overbooking or downgrading of accommodations, structural or other defectiveconditions in hotels or other lodging facilities, mechanical or other failureof airplanes or other means of transportation or for any failure of anytransportation mechanism to arrive or depart timely or safely, diseases anddangers associated with or bites from animals, pests or insects, marine life orvegetation of any sort, dangers incident to recreational activities such asswimming, kayaking, sailing, canoeing, rafting, hiking, walking, bicycling,etc., sanitation problems, food poisoning, lack of access to or quality ofmedical care, difficulty in evacuation in case of a medical or other emergency,illness, epidemics or the threat thereof or for any other cause beyond thedirect control of Culture Holidays.
We do not have any insurance policy covering the expenses for accident,sickness, loss due to theft, or any other reasons. Visitors are advised to seeksuch insurance arrangements in their home country. All baggage & personalproperty/s at all times are at the client’s risk.

Not liable for third partysuppliers

The Tour Operator makes arrangements withaccommodation providers, activity providers, airlines, cruise lines, coachcompanies, transfer operators, shore excursion operators, tour and localguides, and other independent parties (“Third Party Suppliers”) to provide youwith some or all of the components of your booking. Third Party Suppliers mayalso engage the services of local operators and sub-contractors. Although theTour Operator takes all reasonable care in selecting Third Party Suppliers, theTour Operator is unable to control Third Party Suppliers, does not superviseThird Party Suppliers and therefore cannot be responsible for their acts oromissions.
Third party suppliers may utilize Culture Holidays' logo on signage or uniformssolely for identification purposes which does not signify Culture Holidays'ownership, management or control. As a result, MAA TARA TRAVELS is not liablefor any negligent or wilful act or failure to act of any such person or entity,or of any other third party.

Acceptance of Risk

You acknowledge that the products and servicesoffered by MAA TARA TRAVELS may involve a significant amount of risk to yourhealth and safety. By traveling with the MAA TARA TRAVELS you acknowledge thatyou have considered any potential risks to health and safety. You hereby assumeresponsibility for all such risks and release MAA TARA TRAVELS from all claimsand causes of action arising from any losses, damages or injuries or death resultingfrom risks inherent in travel, including visiting foreign destinations, andparticipating in adventurous activities such as those included in Touritineraries or otherwise offered by Culture Holidays.


The Tour Operator reserves the right to update oralter these Terms at any time, and will post the amended Terms on the CultureHoliday's website at We recommend that you refer to the Termsprior to travel to familiarize themselves with the most up-to-date version available.

Passenger Agreement

All passengers are required to complete a PassengerAgreement prior to travel and, by so doing, formally accept MAA TARA TRAVELS Travel’sTerms & Conditions, Release from Liability, Assumption of Risk and BindingArbitration Agreement. Passengers booking online will be required to completethe Passenger Agreement at the time of booking. Passengers booking viatelephone will be provided a verbal review of the Passenger Agreement whichwill be delivered via email shortly after the time of booking. Customers whoare unable to receive and complete their Passenger Agreement via email mayrequest the Agreement be provided via fax or mail. Travel documents will not bereleased without a completed Passenger Agreement. MAA TARA TRAVELS reserves theright to cancel bookings and return deposits without a completed PassengerAgreement.

Disclaimer ofWarranties/Limitation of Liability Has Endeavoured To Ensure ThatAll The Information On The Website Is Correct, But NeitherWarrants Nor Makes Any Representations Regarding The Quality, Accuracy OrCompleteness Of Any Data Or Information Contained Makes NoWarranty, Express Or Implied, Concerning The Website And/or Its Contents AndDisclaims All Warranties Of Fitness For A Particular Purpose And Warranties OfMerchantability In Respect Of Services, Including Any Liability, ResponsibilityOr Any Other Claim, Whatsoever, In Respect Of Any Loss, Whether Direct OrConsequential, To Any User Or Any Other Person, Arising Out Of Or From The UseOf The Information Contained In The Website.
Since Acts Only As A Booking Agent, It Shall Not Have AnyLiability Whatsoever For Any Aspect Of The Arrangements Between The ServiceProvider And The User As Regards The Standards Of Services Provided By TheService Providers. In No Circumstances Shall Be Liable ForThe Services Provided By The Service Provider.
Although Makes Reasonable Commercial Efforts To Ensure ThatThe Description And Content In The Toss And On Each Page Of The Website IsCorrect, It Does Not, However, Take Responsibility For Changes That OccurredDue To Human Or Data Entry Errors Or For Any Loss Or Damages Suffered By AnyUser Due To Any Information Contained Herein. Also, Is NotThe Service Provider And Cannot Therefore Control Or Prevent Changes In ThePublished Descriptions Which Are Based Upon Information Provided By The ServiceProviders. Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser On Its Website In AnyManner. The Users Are Requested To Verify The Accuracy Of All Information OnTheir Own Before Undertaking Any Reliance On Such Information. Does Not, By Offering Travel Related Services To ParticularDestinations, Represent Or Warrant That Travel To Such Destinations Is WithoutRisk, And Shall Not Be Liable For Damages Or Losses That May Result From TravelTo Such Destinations.
In No Event Shall Be Liable For Any Direct, Indirect,Punitive, Incidental, Special, Consequential Damages Or Any Other DamagesResulting From: (A) The Use Or The Inability To Use The Services; (B) The CostOf Procurement Of Substitute Goods And Services Or Resulting From Any Goods,Information Or Services Purchased Or Obtained Or Messages Received OrTransactions Entered Into Through The Services; (C) Unauthorized Access To OrAlteration Of The User's Transmissions Or Data; (D) Any Other Matter RelatingTo The Services; Including, Without Limitation, Damages For Loss Of Use, DataOr Profits, Arising Out Of Or In Any Way Connected With The Use Or PerformanceOf The Website.
Neither Shall Be Responsible For The Delay Or Inability ToUse The Website Or Related Services, The Provision Of Or Failure To ProvideServices, Or For Any Information, Software, Products, Services And RelatedGraphics Obtained Through The Website, Or Otherwise Arising Out Of The Use OfThe Website, Whether Based On Contract, Tort, Negligence, Strict Liability OrOtherwise. Further, Shall Not Be Held Responsible ForNon-Availability Of The Website During Periodic Maintenance Operations Or AnyUnplanned Suspension Of Access To The Website That May Occur Due To TechnicalReasons Or For Any Reason Beyond's Control. The UserUnderstands And Agrees That Any Material And/or Data Downloaded Or OtherwiseObtained Through The Website Is Done Entirely At Their Own Discretion And RiskAnd They Will Be Solely Responsible For Any Damage To Their Computer Systems OrLoss Of Data That Results From The Download Of Such Material And/or Data.
These Limitations, Disclaimer Of Warranties And Exclusions Apply Without RegardTo Whether The Damages Arise From (A) Breach Of Contract, (B) Breach OfWarranty, (C) Negligence, Or (D) Any Other Cause Of Action, To The Extent SuchExclusion And Limitations Are Not Prohibited By Applicable Law.
The Maximum Liability On Part Of Arising Under AnyCircumstances, In Respect Of Any Services Offered On The Site, Shall Be LimitedTo The Refund Of Total Amount Received From The Customer For Availing TheServices Less Any Cancellation, Refund Or Others Charges, As May Be Applicable.In No Case The Liability Shall Include Any Consequential Loss, Damage Or AdditionalExpense Whatsoever.

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